Zoom Information / Meeting Notice (Edit Me) AGENDA (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER PLEDGES ROLL CALL AND ESTABLISH QUORUM NEW BUSINESS The City of Woodcreek has received an application from Mr. Todd A. Mackenzie of 24 Canyon Creek Drive, Woodcreek, Texas 78676 requesting a variance to City of Woodcreek, Ordinance §156.057 that states: "(A) No wall, fence, planter or hedge in excess of two feet high shall be erected or maintained nearer to the front lot line than the front building setback line, nor on corner lots nearer to the street side lot line than the building setback line parallel to the side street. No rear fence, wall or hedge and no side fence, wall or hedge located between the side building line and the interior lot line (or located on the interior lot line) shall be more than six feet high. For multifamily districts (MF-1 and MF-2) adjacent and contiguous to single-family districts (SF-1 through SF-6), perimeter fences along shared district boundaries may not exceed eight feet height from grade." The variance is to request a fence that will be eight feet high. ADJOURN POSTING NOTICE