Comprehensive Plan

2022 Woodcreek Comprehensive Plan - approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and adopted by City Council on Oct. 12, 2022.
Click above to see the Comprehensive Plan

Woodcreek 2040: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future

Current Reports

2022.0627:   K Friese Land Use Workshop - Exhibit Boards

2022.0215:   K Friese Comprehensive Plan Master Approach and Outline

2021.0928:   Comprehensive Plan Survey Results (Compiled by K Friese)

2021.0928:   Executive Summary of Comprehensive Plan Survey Results 

2021.0928:   Presentation at Community Town Hall Meeting on Sept. 28, 2021

Introduction & Purpose

The City of Woodcreek is excited to engage the community and area stakeholders as we kick-off the 2040 comprehensive planning process.

The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to serve as a holistic blueprint to guide Woodcreek’s decisions about important issues related to transportation, drainage, parks and recreation, land development and growth. The Comprehensive Plan will establish a long-term vision for the community, with goals, strategies, and actions to be implemented over time.


The City of Woodcreek does not have a Comprehensive Plan. The adoption of a Comprehensive Plan allows for the community and City Leadership to a have a guide and reference document to help inform the decision-making process, based on community values and aspirations.

Woodcreek has limited revenue streams but like most cities relies on property tax revenue and sales tax revenue that comes to the City.  Part of the Comprehensive Plan will entail looking at the need for creating opportunities for additional commercial operations within the City to help generate sales and commercial property tax revenues. A majority of these costs pertain to improvements needed to address transportation, aging infrastructure, and drainage throughout the City.

According to Texas Local Government Code 213 Sec. 213.00 regarding a Comprehensive Plan, “(a) The governing body of a municipality may adopt a comprehensive plan for the long-range development of the municipality.  A municipality may define the content and design of a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan may:  (1)  include but is not limited to provisions on land use, transportation, and public facilities; (2)  consist of a single plan or a coordinated set of plans organized by subject and geographic area;  and (3)  be used to coordinate and guide the establishment of development regulations.”

Who is Leading this Effort?

The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Workgroup (CPAW) was formed to assist, provide guidance, and serve as community ambassadors throughout the project. 

The Comprehensive Plan will be primarily driven by citizen input, community interests, local stakeholders, and municipal leaders. As a community-driven plan, the goal is to provide residents with the most possible public engagement opportunities to assist in the creation of the City’s first comprehensive plan.

Past Reports

    2030 Vision Master Plan

    2020 Vision Master Plan

    2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Contact Information