Zoom Information / Meeting Notice (EDIT ME) Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER PLEDGES ROLL CALL AND ESTABLISH QUORUM PUBLIC COMMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from January 19, 2023. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS AND COUNCIL LIASONS REPORT OF SPECIAL (Select or Ad Hoc) Committees SPECIAL ORDERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND GENERAL ORDERS NEW BUSINESS Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Our Understanding of Street Repair Composition and Type in Relation to Road Type and Usage Through Streets Versus Cul de Sacs. Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Preliminary Planning for City Street Maintenance Program(s). Discuss and Take Possible Action on A PRP Workshop and/or Field Survey to Potentially Prioritize Phase 2(Bond Fund) Street Repair/Overlay. ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURN POSTING NOTICE (Edit Me)