Meeting Notice (DO NOT TOUCH) COVID Notice (EDIT ME) Meeting Notice (EDIT ME) Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER PLEDGES ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS CONSENT AGENDA Approval of the Special Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes from July 8, 2021 REGULAR AGENDA Consider a Recommendation to the Woodcreek City Council on a Preliminary Plat Request for The Oaks, 7 Brookmeadow Drive, Brookmeadow Sec. 6 Lot Pt 12, Acres 5.032 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action Changing the Regular Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Time and Location EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session for the Purpose of Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Zoning Classification Issues REGULAR AGENDA - continued Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Classification Issues ADJOURN Post Agenda Text POSTING NOTICE (Edit Me)