Zoom Information / Meeting Notice (EDIT ME) Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGES ROLL CALL AND ESTABLISH QUORUM PUBLIC COMMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Approve Regular Meeting Minutes from February 7, 2023. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS AND COUNCIL LIASONS REPORT OF SPECIAL (Select or Ad Hoc) Committees SPECIAL ORDERS Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Ordinance Review Committee. UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND GENERAL ORDERS Workshop on Completion of the Important Woodcreek City Ordinance Sheet. Discuss and Take Final Action on the Revised Important Woodcreek City Ordinance Sheet. NEW BUSINESS Workshop on Revision of the Health and Sanitation Ordinance. Discuss and Take Final Action on the Revised Health and Sanitation Ordinance. Workshop on Ordinance 156.061 (Home Occupation), Ordinance 156.080 (Business Use Requirements and Limitations), and Ordinance 156.0365 (Personal Care Facilities). Discuss and Final Action on the Final Versions of Ordinance 156.061 (Home Occupation), Ordinance 156.080 (Business Use Requirements and Limitations), and Ordinance 156.0365 (Personal Care Facilities). ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURN POSTING NOTICE (Edit Me)