Mayor's Corner - Jan. 28, 2021

January 28, 2021

Dear Citizens, 

As we move into this new year, we wish you all continued vigilance and commitment to defeat the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

Our Stay In Stay Safe Health Directives remain in force. Please be aware that Hays County statistics are spiking, though the prospect for vaccine availability is encouraging. 

We have challenged our City Management, City Council, Boards, Commissions and Citizen Committees to: Lead With Excellence in 2021. 

With this goal in mind, there was an educational program held at Camp Young Judaea presented by City Hall Essentials, LLC  with Co-Founder Attorney Alan Bojorquez as the presenter.  Training was provided on the Texas Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, use of Social Media by public officials, and the differences between Ordinances, Resolutions, and Proclamations.  The training was well attended and a step forward in attaining more expertise and excellence in performance of the work of the city. 

We are happy to report that the work has begun to draft our City Comprehensive Plan with our city planner, Pegasus  Planning and Development.  The Mayor's slate of candidates for the Citizens Comprehensive Plan Committee (CCPC) was approved by Council at the January meeting. The following citizens were appointed to serve: Amanda Erwin, Justin Camp, Bill Tarwater, Debra Hines, Diane Stewart, Suzanne Gordon and Representatives of our Business Partners: Quicksand Golf Course, Hill Country Liquors, and Camp Young Judaea.

The CCPC bring fresh voices representing all areas of our city and had its first meeting at CYJ on January 14th.  The group voted Amanda Erwin to act as Chair and Diane Stewart as Vice-Chair. Two meetings are planned each month through May 2021. Pegasus and the CCPC will begin with an outreach program to our citizens for formulating a survey, receiving public input on the vital areas of concern as we plan for economic growth, infrastructure improvements, ordinance and zoning reviews, and parks and recreational opportunities.  Our goal is to receive a high level of response to the citizen survey. 

The City Council approved the Mayor's recommendations for the openings on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Those appointed were:  Commissioners Re-Appointed - Joe Kotarba (Term Ending Dec 2024) and Jack Boze (Term Ending Dec 2024); Un-Expired Term - Rogers Holt (Term Ending Dec 2021); and Alternate Commissioner Appointments - Chris Sonnier (Term Ending Dec 2023) and Lydia Johns (Term Ending Dec 2022).

We have set a goal to enhance citizen communications in 2021 by launching a new city website where you can subscribe to receive E-Blasts, and a new Texting function has also been initiated.  Information will be available on the City Website very soon.  Our goal to reach excellence in transparency and communications is underway. You can now visit and find meetings archived. You can click on videos to listen and view meetings. Also, you can view agenda documents, agendas, or minutes. Easy, user-friendly buttons navigate through pages of information about your city government, and a search is available by typing keywords in the search box. Live streaming of meetings is now available by following the directions on each agenda.

Be Safe, Mayor Whitehead