2/21/2021 - Drinking Water Distribution at City Hall Today
Woodcreek Residents,
We continue to be hard at work responding to the needs of our residents during the winter weather crisis. Aqua Texas has provided the city with 8 pallets of water to begin distributing to residents in need. Today's water is in 1 gallon containers. The drinking water is available now at Woodcreek City Hall and will be distributed until 5 PM unless the water is gone earlier. If you know of a neighbor who needs water and cannot come to City Hall, please have them call (512) 847 - 9390 ext. 201 before 4 PM today. We will find a volunteer to deliver water to them.
The city is still under a boil water notice. Remember to boil water from your faucets for drinking and human consumption.
Take care,
City of Woodcreek
41 Champions Circle, (512) 847 - 9390, woodcreek@woodcreektx.gov