Recap of Special City Council Meeting - 8/2/2022 by Councilmember Hines
August 2nd Special City Council Meeting
Submitted by Councilmember Debra Hines and approved by Mayor Jeff Rasco
Consent Agenda:
Items 1-4 (Council meeting minutes and financial statements) passed unanimously with no discussion.
Regular Agenda:
Item 5: A Budget Workshop for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 occurred, and a second draft of the budget was approved unanimously after extensive discussion. Council reviewed budget methods utilized by the previous City Manager Brenton Lewis and made additional cuts to expenditures.
Item 6: Terri Burney-Bisett was unanimously appointed to fill an unexpired term on the Tree Board.
Item 7: Steve Passalacqua was unanimously appointed to full member of the Ordinance Review Board moving up from alternate position.
Item 8: Councilmember Joe Kotarba was unanimously appointed as Council Liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission where he previously served as the Chairperson. Councilmember Grummert described the liaison position once again for Councilmember Kotarba’s benefit. It was noted that liaisons are not members of the boards, commissions, panels, or committees. The liaisons are appointed to facilitate communication between Council and other advisory boards and to improve agenda packet contents as needed.
Item 9: Report on the Ordinance Review Committee was provided by Councilmember Hines. It was determined that the request from the Ordinance Review Committee for Councilmembers to note areas of concern in the code and give some direction to the committee on specific sections on which to focus shall also be passed on to the Planning and Zoning for input. The Ccouncil listed several areas of concern in discussion. It was decided that a list would be created of these concerns, forwarded to P&Z for that commission to add recommendations, and then submitted to the Ordinance Review Committee for consideration. This decision was unanimously supported by all Councilmembers.
Item 10: Report on the Culture of Safe Driving Program was provided by Councilmember Hines. The report covered anticipated sticker printing costs and other costs associated with the printing and postage to send the program information to all residents. Council voted unanimously to approve spending no more than $860 for printing stickers and that the program information shall be mailed with an Oak Wilt brochure in addition to a City newsletter. Producing and mailing the Oak Wilt and Culture of Safe Driving Program information is anticipated to cost less than $2000 in total.
Item 11: The proposed ordinance to update the Parks and Recreation Board was passed unanimously. This ordinance placed the Parks Board code with other committees, panels and commissions in Chapter 30, in addition it brought the appointment of Parks Board members in line with other such advisory bodies and added two alternate members to the Board.
Item 12; A first reading of the “Building Across Adjacent Lot Lines” occurred. This proposed ordinance is the culmination of several months of work and incorporates recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Council made several edits during discussion. A second reading of the ordinance has been submitted for the next August Council meeting.
Item 13: Report from the Tree Board was provided by Councilmember Pulley. Council accepted and unanimously approved their recommendations but declined to increase the 20% max of land value penalty for tree removal for new development. After much discussion and debate it was determined that edits were needed in the Tree Ordinance to address application in the ETJ and construction requirements. A third reading of the ordinance with these changes will be included in the next August City Council meeting.
Item 14: Executive session occurred regarding the discussion of personnel matters. No action was taken during or after the session,