Mayor's Corner - August 2021

Mayor Gloria Whitehead

City of Woodcreek – News from our Neck of the Woods

Mayor’s Corner – August 2021

Greetings Citizens,

There is much to report concerning activities of your City Council this Summer.

COVID Update

We continue the relentless battle against Covid-19 and the Delta Variant.  The City of Woodcreek was the First City in Hays County to declare a state of emergency.  Mayor Whitehead issued a Protective Order on March 17, 2020 which remains in effect.  We continue our daily Covid-19 e-mails, post updates on the Website, and issue advisory bulletins to inform the community on CDC guidelines and vaccine and testing information.  Thanks to every citizen who helped their neighbors, stayed safely distanced, and limited travels.  These safe practices resulted in low numbers of infections and fatalities.

The Oaks, Single Family Neighborhood

At the July meeting of Council, the developers of The Oaks made a presentation to rezone the property and allow a single-family neighborhood. After input from citizens, we  tabled the item, and the developers were asked to address impervious cover, density, and present options for water conservation, including rainwater collection and xeriscaping.  

The developers returned in August with a revised project that reduces the number of single-family homes, complies with impervious cover requirements, provides green spaces, and increases inventory of single-family homes for those families who want to make Woodcreek their home. The City’s Master Plan, Vision 2030, requires us to improve and expand housing stock by encouraging new types of housing by 2030.  This project was analyzed under this requirement as well as Section 155 of our Code of Ordinances, and it was found to meet all requirements, as certified by our City Engineering firm, an independent contractor. The Planning & Zoning Commission, voted 5-0 to recommend approval as it met all requirements. A Council majority voted to approve the revised project and preliminary plat after thorough consideration of citizens’ concerns, city ordinances, state law, and receiving the advice of the City Attorney.

Parks & Recreation Board

City Council approved rezoning of two city properties to be designated as Public Parks as the next step in our implementation of the Parks Master Plan and the strategies of our Vision 2030 Plan.  The properties are located at 28 Brookhollow Drive and 1 Champions Circle, at the start of the walking/bike trail.  We have also filed a Declaration of Intent to apply for a Parks Grant with Hays County to receive 75% of the funds needed for park improvements. 

The P & R Board Chair , Pat Rawlings, and the Volunteer Board members have worked tirelessly to identify potential properties and equipment and amenities appropriate for children, young adults, and our senior residents.

Focus on Transparency

In 2020, the City enhanced its website and added interactive features for citizens to receive current information. The website includes information on current events, latest news, community resources, and governmental activities.  The website also allows citizens to complete and submit City forms electronically, as well as use a credit/debit card to pay for any fees involved.

The City of Woodcreek supports  mass communication through e-mail and text.  496 residents are subscribed to the e-mail services for general news and 475 are subscribed for Covid-19 related news.  144 residents are subscribed to receive text messages.  The user-friendly design of our website and the wealth of information it makes available to our citizens is the best approach to transparency.  On the website  you can review past and present meeting information; connect to live video and audio of meetings; access Ordinances and financial information; and communicate with City staff in a timely manner.


Continue the Woodcreek Winning Ways,

Mayor Gloria Whitehead