Emergency Preparedness Fair

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 9:00am

2022 Wimberley Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair 

Saturday 5/21/2022 9:00-3:00 @ the Wimberley VFW Grounds 

Over the last several years, the Wimberley Valley and its citizens have seen just how critical it is to be prepared for an Emergency. We have come together as a community to help our neighbors and stand hand-in-hand through good times and in times of loss and devastation. It is during these times that we have felt the ever increasing need to make sure that ALL the citizens of the Wimberley Valley have the tools, resources, and education on emergency preparedness they need to be prepared when, not if, the next emergency arises. 

The goals of providing an Emergency Preparedness Fair: 

● To EDUCATE the community about the different emergency situations that may arise in the Wimberley Valley and how they can and need to be prepared for those situations for the first 72 hours. 

● To bring AWARENESS and to provide RESOURCES to the citizens of the Wimberley Valley that allow them to be prepared and self sufficient . 

● To CONNECT the community and its neighbors to each other. We know that we work best when we come together. We want to work as a team, opening up lines of communication to have the biggest reach to ALL citizens in times of crisis.