City of Woodcreek Meetings for the Month of March


Hello Neighbors,

Clear your calendars and join us at City Hall!!
Below is a list of the City of Woodcreek Meetings and Activities for the month of March.

Residents are always welcome to attend these meetings and offer Public Comments.
If you are unable to attend in person, comments can be emailed by NOON the day before the meeting.  To

Agendas and packets will be posted 72 hours or more, before each meeting time and can be found on our website:



March 12th

5:30 PM

City Hall

1st City Council Meeting


March 13th

4:30 PM

City Hall

Joint Meeting Trees and Parks Board & Community Relations Committee



5:30 PM

City Hall

2nd City Council Meeting











Lots of fun events happening in April. Be sure to be on the lookout for more information.

If you are not signed up for Woodcreek emails call City Hall and we will get you set up.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact City staff.

     Woodcreek City Hall
     41 Champions Circle
     Office: 512- 847-9390 
     Monday- Friday - 10:00 A - 4:00 P