MEETING NOTICE (DO NOT TOUCH) COVID Meeting Notice (Edit ME) CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGES EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP ROLL CALL and ESTABLISH QUORUM PUBLIC COMMENTS Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CONSENT AGENDA Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes from May 25, 2022 Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes from June 8, 2022 Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes from June 16, 2022 REGULAR AGENDA Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Finding Solutions for the Oak Wilt in Woodcreek Resignation of Judy Brizendine and Nomination of New Councilmember (Rasco) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Adding Two (2) Alternate Positions to the Parks & Recreation Board of the Woodcreek City Council, Amending § 157.002 - PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CREATED; DUTIES; PLAN (Rasco) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Naming Woodcreek Citizens to the Ordinance Review Committee (Rasco) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Naming Woodcreek Citizens to the Platinum Roads Panel. (Rasco) Report to Council on Recommendations from the Platinum Roads Panel (LeBrun) Recommendations from Parks Board Meeting of June 1, 2022 (Grummert) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on the Parks and Recreation Board LCRA Grant Proposal (Grummert) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action to Request the Woodcreek Parks and Recreation Board Consider Creating Certified Wildlife Habitats with the National Wildlife Federation in City Owned Parks Discussion and Appropriate Action Regarding the Current City Resolution 2021-12-22-1 Setting the TIME and PLACE for Regular Council Meetings (Pulley) Report and Discussion Regarding Traffic Enforcement Activities (Pulley) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on the Woodcreek City Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 and Setting the Date for the First Budget Workshop (Rasco) Executive Session Pursuant to § 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property (Rasco) ADJOURN Post Agenda Text POSTING NOTICE (EDIT ME)