Zoom Information / Meeting Notice (EDIT ME) Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGES ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Amended Regular City Council Meeting Minutes From June 12, 2024. Approval of City Council Budget Workshop Minutes From June 26, 2024. Approval of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes From June 26, 2024. Approval of the Ordinance Previously Adopted On June 12, 2024, Ordering An Election of the City of Woodcreek For Three(3) At-Large Council Member Positions in the November 5, 2024 General Election To Include Bilingual Requirements of Election Code 272. (Staff) REPORTS FROM OFFICERS AND COUNCIL LIAISONS Report by Infrastructure and Mobility Panel Liaison. (Bailey) Report by Parks and Recreation Board Liaison. (Hambrick) Report by the Planning and Zoning Commission Liaison. (Grummert) Report by City Staff. (Burton) REGULAR AGENDA Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Recommendation From the Infrastructure and Mobility Panel Regarding the Performance of Road Surface Patchwork On The North to South Section of Deerfield Drive, Utilizing Street Maintenance Funds. (Bailey) Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Recommendation From the Planning and Zoning Commission to Approve the Preliminary Replat of Lot 9A & 11A in the Oak Orchard Enclave. (Grummert) Discuss and possible action on a request for approval of a preliminary replat of Lot 9A & 11A of the Oak Orchard Enclave. (Burton) Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Recommendation From the Planning and Zoning Commission To Hold A Joint Public Hearing with City Council For the Possible Re-Zoning of the "Triangle" From A Right-of-Way to A City Park (P-1). (Grummert)) Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Recommendation From the Planning and Zoning Commission Regarding the Comprehensive Plan Biennial Review. (Grummert) Discussion and possible action approving a final design and plan for improvements at The Triangle for the 2023-2024 annual beautification project. (Hines) Discuss and Take Possible Action To Adopt An Ordinance Establishing The Public Information Policy For The City of Woodcreek, Texas, As Amended By Council On May 8, 2024. (Staff) Discussion and possible action on removing the current City Arborist Request for Proposals/Bids (RFP), edit, repost for the 2024-2025 budget year, and add direct solicitation action with a minimum of five(5) local vendors by City Staff. (Hines) Discuss and Take Possible Action to Update the Policies and Procedures as it relates to the two-way communications between Council’s Advisory Boards and Council. (Grummert) Discuss and take appropriate action to engage in a professional services agreement with a municipal administration consultant to provide the city with guidance on the appropriate roles and duties of the city administrator for a city like Woodcreek, to provide direct guidance to Staff and Mayor, and to serve as part-time municipal administration advisor. (Rasco) Discussion and possible action to assign Council Members to individual appointees, Karen Duncan and Jim Miller, on the Planning and Zoning Commission thereby tying these appointments to election cycles per ordinance. (Hines) Discussion and possible action to accept a proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 - 2025 to post by City Staff on the City website before the July 20th 2024 deadline for such posting (Rasco) COUNCIL CONSIDERATIONS FOR AGENDA ITEMS AT NEXT REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURN POSTING NOTICE (Edit Me)