Zoom Information / Meeting Notice (EDIT ME) Agenda (DO NOT TOUCH) CALL TO ORDER MOMENT OF SILENCE PLEDGES ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Approval of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from November 9, 2022. Approval of Regular City Council Meeting Minutes from January 11, 2023. Approval of Special City Council Meeting Minutes from January 25, 2023. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS AND COUNCIL LIAISONS REPORT OF SPECIAL (Select or Ad Hoc) COMMITTEES SPECIAL ORDERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND GENERAL ORDERS NEW BUSINESS Presentation of the Spirit of Woodcreek Award to the Parks and Recreation Board Membership (past and present) For Their Work on the Spooktacular Events and the Recent POSAC Grant Award. (Pulley) Discuss and Take Possible Action on A Resolution Establishing Schedule for Submission of Certain Applications to the City of Woodcreek. (Rule/Gordon) Discussion and Take Possible Action on A Resolution to Possibly Extend the Declaration of Winter Disaster for the City of Woodcreek. (Rasco/Gordon) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Naming Remaining Members to the Ordinance Review Committee. (Rasco) Consider and Take Possible Action on Proposed Oak Wilt Assistance Application from the Tree Board. (Pulley) Discuss and Take Possible Action on Amendments to Zoning Regulations Concerning Short-Term Rentals. (Grummert) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on Considering a Re-Codification and Restructuring of the City of Woodcreek Code of Ordinances. (Hines) Discuss and Take Possible Action to Approve the Verbiage in the Proposed Citizen Survey. (Hines) Discuss and Take Appropriate Action to Approve the 2023 Citizen Survey Final Draft to be Mailed and Shared As An Online Survey and Set A Date for Closure of Survey and Final Day to Submit. (Hines) ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURN POSTING NOTICE (Edit Me)